Reporting Guidelines
Grant Reporting Guidelines
Final reports help The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation understand the opportunities and challenges facing your organization and the broader nonprofit community. We hope to both celebrate your successes and learn alongside you when things do not go exactly as planned.
As of July 1, 2023, all grant reporting requirements will resume. We have updated our reports with an eye towards brevity and flexibility to reduce administrative burdens on our nonprofit partners. Grantees now have three options to share a report:
- Completing the Foundation’s online report form
- Submitting your annual report or a report completed for another funder
- Scheduling a report conversation via phone or Zoom with a program officer
Grantees will receive an email reminder approximately two months ahead of a report deadline. A downloadable version of our updated grant reporting guidelines is available here: RMPF Report Guidelines.
To begin or return to an existing report form, please click here.