If you haven’t already, please download your HTML signature and proceed to step 2. We will be copying and pasting the contents of your HTML signature in the following guide.
2. In the settings, click on the “Signatures“ tab to see a list of all your signatures. Click the + button at the bottom of the list to add a new signature.
3. Add a placeholder text to your signature. Don’t worry about the content, the text will be overridden by your HTML signature.
4. Now drag and drop the signature to one or multiple of your email accounts.
5. For Apple Mail to automatically add your signature to all emails, click on your email account in the left column and select your signature at “Choose Signature“.
6. Close the mail settings and quit Apple Mail.
1. To install your HTML email signature, open the finder and choose Go > Go to Folder in the menu bar.
2. In the window, write ~/Library/Mail and click the “Go” button.
Tipp: To add the ~ sign, press the option key + n on your keyboard.
3. The finder prompts you to a new window. Click on the V8 folder (or the highest folder number starting with V) and choose MailData > Signatures.
No V8 folder? Choose the highest folder starting with “V”. In case you see folders with a higher number than V8, choose the folder with the highest number instead.
4. In the Signatures folder, you see a list of signature files. Search for the file you just edited by examining the “Modified“ date and open the newest file that ends with .mailsignature.
5. Open the signature in TextEdit (right-click on the file and choose Open With > TextEdit).
6. Open the HTML signature file you downloaded in step 1 in TextEdit as well.
7. Select the whole content of your HTML signature (CMD + A) and copy the data (CMD + C).
8. In your .mailsignature file, select the content starting with <body and replace it with your HTML data (CMD + V)
Important: Do not delete the data above <body>.
9. Save the file and close TextEdit.
10. Go back to your folder in Finder, right-click on the mail signature you just edited, and choose “Get Info“.
11. Check the checkbox “Locked“ to prevent Apple Mail from overriding your beautiful new HTML signature.
Important: Do not omit this step, otherwise Apple Mail will override your signature!
You’re done! Open a new email and have a look at your new HTML signature in Apple Mail.